Panel 1

Frequently Asked Questions

Who was L.V. Hull?

The Unusual Artist Ms. L.V. Hull (1942-2008) was a self-taught artist from Kosciusko, Mississippi. She used found objects, glue, and paint not only to create vibrant artworks and assemblages, but also to transform her home into a wonderland that attracted visitors from around the world. More information about her life and work can be found at the websites for the SPACES Archive and Souls Grown Deep and in the forthcoming, one-hour documentary, “Love Is a Sensation”.

How can I donate to help preserve and activate the legacy of L.V. Hull?

Donations for the forthcoming L.V. Hull Legacy Center in Kosciusko would be especially helpful at this time. Donations may be sent to the 501(c)(3) Arts Foundation of Kosciusko, Inc., 101 North Natchez Street, Kosciusko, MA 39090.

Donations to stabilize and revive L.V.’s home can be made online care of the Keysmith Foundation, a sponsored project of the 501(c)(3) Austin Creative Alliance.

We are extremely grateful for your support.

What is the status of L.V. Hull’s estate?

Art and personal belongings: Most of the surviving artwork and belongings owned by L.V. at her death are now owned by the Arts Foundation of Kosciusko. Those items are currently in the custody of the Kohler Foundation, Inc. for preservation and cataloguing.

Home: L.V.’s home has been vacant since her death in 2008, and it is in severe disrepair. Her friend and documentarian, Yaphet Smith, has now purchased the home, and he is working with preservationists, scholars, artists, neighbors, and others to stabilize and revive it.

Intellectual property and other proprietary rights: The Estate of L.V. Hull is the sole heir to the legal rights and interests of L.V. Hull, including proprietary rights in her name and likeness and the U.S. and international copyrights to the artworks she created. Yaphet Smith is the sole authorized contact person for the Estate. Please use the contact form to submit any inquiries regarding permission for rights and reproductions, product licensing permission, or any other questions regarding proprietary rights.

What is the L.V. Hull Alliance?

An alliance between the Estate of L.V. Hull, Yaphet Smith (as owner of L.V.’s home), and the Arts Foundation of Kosciusko to preserve and activate Ms. Hull’s legacy.

What is the L.V. Hull Legacy Center in Kosciusko, Mississippi?

The L.V. Hull Legacy Center is a site in L.V. Hull’s neighborhood that is being developed by the L.V. Hull Alliance. The center plans to offer exhibits, events, tours, and other programming related to L.V.’s life and work. The Center is thankful for generous preservation and cataloguing support from the Kohler Foundation, Inc.

A kickoff event for the Center is tentatively planned for 2023 with a target opening date in 2024. Please use the Contact form on this site to sign up for updates.

More information is available here: “Arts Foundation to Display L.V. Hull Collection,” The Star-Herald, Kosciusko, MS.

How can I visit L.V. Hull’s home?

The home is currently vacant and in disrepair, but preservation planning is underway. Guided access to the home can be scheduled for individuals or very small groups by appointment from time-to-time. Please use the Contact form to submit a request.

Is there a film or video about L.V. Hull that I can view?

Yaphet Smith is in post-production on “Love Is a Sensation”, an affectionate, one-hour, home movie portrait that depicts L.V.’s attempts to pursue her full creative powers, vanquish naysayers, and defer death long enough to present a cherished work of art to blues legend B.B. King. A trailer and more information about the film are available at For updates on release dates and screenings, please sign up for the film’s email newsletter using the film website’s Contact Form or please follow the film on Facebook.

Does the Estate of L.V. Hull authenticate L.V. Hull artwork?


Who should I contact regarding exhibitions, permission for rights and reproductions, product licensing permission, or any other questions?

Please use the contact form to submit an inquiry, and we will route it to the appropriate person or entity.

Panel 2


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Panel 3


How can I donate to help preserve and activate the legacy of L.V. Hull?

Donations to stabilize and restore L.V.’s home can be made online care of the Keysmith Foundation, a sponsored project of the 501(c)(3) Austin Creative Alliance.

We are extremely grateful for your support.

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